Student Demographics & Maintenance
SchoolDataSearch© / Boundary Analysis / Bussing / Population 

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GeoSpective Technologies™ Web School Data Search© 2019 is an easy to use Web-accessible Interface that does not require extensive training or a GIS Certificate to use. Most of the work is done “behind-the-scenes” by a complex GIS pre-processor and stored within the GeoSpective Technologies™ WebSDS© Database. Student data is blended together with your transportation data, along with comprehensive GeoSpective Technologies™ GeoSense© Data for geographic (street network and addressing, school district, attendance boundaries and study areas), spatial attributes, and statistical information. The interface allows you to interact with your pre-processed and/or Live Student Data for busing related functions and/or analysis. The interface includes four (4) modules: Students by Route/Stop, Setup Busing Fees, Collect Bus Fees, and Reports.

Students by Routes/Stops Analysis allows you to examine your district generated route and stop assignments, including how far students are from assigned school/stop; route and stop capacity limits. This module also allows you to analyze proposed stops based upon student clusters, eligibility criteria/district policies, and applicable geographic constraints that may affect routing.

Setup and Collect Transportation Fees allows you to define your Bus Fee Schedule and any other related charges for transportation. A built-in GeoSpective Technologies™ pre-processor geo-codes student records to validate student addressing; analyze busing eligibility, route and stop capacities, calculate distances to stop(s) and school, and identify the closest stops for each student. You can then collect bus fees, issue bus passes, and issue payment receipts. Reports allows you to generate daily, weekly, and/or monthly payment logs. Other pre-built reports are available, such as determining if any outstanding fees have not been paid.